Connecting | Leading | Healing

Founding partners


Purpose: Leadership capacity development in agriculture.

Dream: The catalyst for AGRICULTURE to be the unifying force and leader of economic growth in South Africa.

Values: Challenge | Conversation | Change | Courage


Extension of the Grain Academy that started in 2012 focused mainly on the Grain sector.

Brainchild of Jannie de Villiers of Grain SA (founding partner).

Sponsored for seven years by Syngenta (founding partner) under the strategic leadership of Antonie Delport.

The “Leadership in the Connection Economy” programme presented with great acclaim.

The way it works

Grain SA (founding partner): Administration infrastructure is required to accommodate more sponsors and partners, governance structure.

Organised agriculture: Support and involvement from other commodity organisations as well as other agriculture formations.

Funders: The funding is sourced from the private sector in the full agricultural value chain as well as the donor community locally and internationally.

North-West University: The NWU Business School is the academic partner for programmes for which it issues certificates.

thinking fusion AFRICA (founding partner): thinking fusion AFRICA develops and delivers all the programmes.

The Leadership Academy for Agriculture offers a unique opportunity to invest in the leadership development of young people in agriculture. ​

Programmes and focus

Leadership in the Connection Economy

Exclusive leadership focus, unique in design and implementation.

Equips leaders to lead, think and behave differently to make a profound difference in their teams and in their organisations.

Science-based content, intense learning experience, leadership skill developed of practical value.

Challenging, sophisticated and an extensive developmental experience at a full professional level in respect of leadership theory and practice.

It culminates in a presentation made to the senior management on a project based on systems thinking.

Quality assured by NWU Business School.

Duration: 10 days in 2 x 3 day and 1 x 4 day sessions.

Personal Benefits

Development of life-long leadership skill.

International content from recognised sources.

Immediate application in leadership roles.

Diagnostics and practical tools that may be used afterwards.

Personal discovery and development.

Development of systems thinking skill.

Quality assured by:

Essential Leadership Insight

Intensive leadership programme.

Builds confidence at a personal and leadership level.

Core leadership and self-knowledge to commit to focused personal and leadership skill development.

A high-paced programme, very participative and activity-based in its delivery.

Culminates in a personal and leadership development plan. Quality assured by NWU Business School.

Duration: 6 days in 3 two-day sessions.

Personal Benefits

Deep personal discovery.
Credible development plan based on sound insights, reflection and practical actions.
Commitment of direct manager to development.
Leading with confidence.
Use of practical tools after completion.
Improved relationships.


Exclusive self-leadership focus, deepens self-discovery and self-mastery.

Intense personal experience.

Leads to redefining self at work and personal life.

Supported by clear development plans.

Life-changing personal impact, builds trust in teams at work.

Duration: 6 days in 3 two-day sessions.

Personal Benefits

Self-mastery in personal and work life.

Practical tools and content for life-long learning.

Development plan in partnership with leader.

High-performance individual development supported by leader.


Quality assured by:

Let's Go!


Then LET’S GO! on an exciting journey of self-discovery to master self-development with new skills and understand your individualism, your awesomeness and the greatness that awaits you.

Design your personal brand by which to live. Place yourself squarely on the winning path.

Duration: Four consecutive contact days.

How will you grow?

Know and understand yourself better.

Develop personal leadership as a life skill Develop your personal brand.

Know your life purpose.

Have fun, learn and discover.

Make new friends.

Be a new, better you.


To prepare a young person for the launch into the world of work by growing inner strength and skills for personal differentiation.

Duration: Four consecutive contact days.

How will you grow?

Know and understand others better.

Understand workplace expectations and behave appropriately.

Develop emotional intelligence.

Become strong through vulnerability.

Optimise communication skills.

Develop sound relationships.

Develop personal power.

Programme dates and application form

LA LCE Programme 2025 dates:
Session 1:
❑ Arrival late afternoon day before session (30 March)
❑ 31 March, 1 & 2 April 2025
Session 2:
❑ Arrival late afternoon day before session (1 June)
❑ 2, 3, & 4 June 2025
Session 3:
❑ Arrival late afternoon day before (15 September)
❑ 16, 17, 18 & 19 September 2025
❑ Depart morning of 20 September 2025


For other programmes contact Prof René Uys (Director) on +27 82 888 9702,

Supporting Organisations


Kallie Schoeman MD: Schoeman Group

“The war on talent has started. Hire for talent and train for skills.”

“The future will be determined by the quality of leadership.”

thinking fusion AFRICA has done a great job in helping the Schoeman Group in achieving both, through our Senior Leaders attending the Leadership in the Connection Economy programme offered through the Leadership Academy for Agriculture. Our full managerial and administrative staff complement attended the Essential Leadership Insight programme.

These programmes made a difference in culture, relationships and performance.

Jannie de Villiers CEO: Grain SA

The Leadership Academy for Agriculture is the preparation school for the new leaders in Agriculture not just to be groomed for what lies ahead, but to meet each other and to start building friendships.

The challenges for agriculture in the future is not going to get easier and the sooner we start training the new generation of leaders and the sooner they start to engage in conversation with each other the better the chance to be sustainable.

The outcome of the past seven years was very encouraging, but to get the whole agricultural sector to climb the hills of the past, we need more new leaders to put up their hands to be prepared for our new future and that of our children and grandchildren. You will need some courage and be ready to be the change that agriculture needs.

Nick Serfontein Chairperson: The Sernick Group

‘Na heelwat oortuigingswerk het die Sernick Groep se eerste- en tweedevlakbestuurders (19 in totaal) in Januarie 2020 die leierskapkursus van thinking fusion AFRICA aangepak. Waar sommige bestuurders aanvanklik skepties was, was daar van die tweede dag af ‘n opgewondenheid te bespeur wat gaandeweg aangegroei het.

Ek het op my jeugdige ouderdom van 71 jaar besluit om ook die kursus te doen wat ek beskou as een van die beste besluite van my lewe. My leierskapstyl het wegbeweeg van ‘n pasaangeër en afdwing van doelwitte na ‘n meer affiliatiewe leierskapstyl van omgee terwyl my emosionele intelligensie baie verbeter het.

Verbasend was die behoefte van die groep om weg te beweeg vanaf ‘n baie gestruktureerde, hiërargiese, afhanklike, reelgebonde kultuur na ‘n meer vrydenkende organisasie.

Die positiewe verandering wat ek ervaar het in my eie groep en wat ek gesien het in ander jong boere wat die kursus bygewoon het, het my oortuig dat die regte leierskapstyl noodsaaklik is in enige mens se mondering en veral in die landbousektor met sy bykans een miljoen werkers.

Dit was ‘n groot voorreg om deel van hierdie inisiatief te kon wees.

Ters Pretorius
Owner and CEO: Telwiedré Voere

With reference to the Essential Leadership Insight programme that you have presented to my senior leadership team, and myself, it is my wish to thank and congratulate you for an informative and enriching experience that has positively touched each person. Not only did it positively impact each participant individually, but it also bound the team and led to improved relationships. This stronger bond, supported by shared knowledge, has alsoled to improved performances.

Thank you for the personal and caring way in which the programme was presented, as well as for the well-put-together files and activities – care and respect for the participants areevident!

It was a privilege to get to know each other better in this way and it is my wish to convey to you the very best successes and opportunities for future challenges and endeavours.

Thabo van Zyl
Chairman of the Board
Thuso Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Group of Companies

The successful completion of the Essential Leadership Insight programme presented to our senior leadership team deserves a special thank you to the presenters and thinking fusion AFRICA.

Congratulations on a job well done and a programme with immense impact.

It had a positive impact on each person and also bound the team together and led to improved relationships.

This stronger bond supported by shared knowledge has also led to improved performance in our organisation.

Thank you for the personal and caring way in which the programme was presented, as well as for the well put together files and activities.

The two facilitators bonded well with the group. May thinking fusion AFRICA achieve further great success.

Antonie Delport
Business Area Head South Africa Syngenta Syngenta South Africa

Seven years ago, Syngenta, in partnership with thinking fusion AFRICA and Grain SA, launched an initiative that was going to change the way young leaders contribute to the success of Agriculture, forever!

The professionalism and commitment of our strategic partners together with their passion for Agriculture, played a pivotal role in this positive result.

This leadership programme called Leadership in the Connection Economy will in future be presented through the Leadership Academy for Agriculture and will continue equipping participants to lead, think and act differently in order to bring about real sustainable change to the benefit of all in South Africa.

Contact Us

Prof René Uys (Director) on +27 888 9702,

Madelaine Posthumus on +27 83 231 0048,

Block 3 Unit 11

Bergzicht Office Park

Cnr Christaan de Wet & Rooibok Streets

Allen’s Nek



Republic of South Africa


+27 11 955 1003